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Building: MYO1290 24 Lord Mayors Walk (Building)An early 19th century shop with a flat above.
Building: MYO4907 24 Monkgate (Building)A house built in the mid 18th century, then used as a storehouse, it has since been demolished.
Building: MYO1002 24 Pavement (Building)Number 24 Pavement, a house with shop built circa 1800, with a part late 19th century, part 20th century shopfront.
Building: MYO899 24 St Saviourgate (Building)Three storey house constructed in 1763 with early 19th century and later alterarions and extensions. The house was possibly built for Marmaduke Fothergill.
Building: MYO518 2-4 Sycamore Avenue (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO4799 2-4 Trinity Lane (Building)A late 16th century, timber-framed, three storey, three bay, house which was jettied to the street front. In the early 19th century the front eleveation was replaced with brick probably in line with the first floor jetty. Demolished in 1956.
Building: MYO698 24 Walmgate, The Five Lions Public House And Attached Outbuildings (Building)A late 18th century public house with a two storey, five bay range to the street. The building was originally L-shaped in plan and the angle between the arms was probably infilled in the early 19th century. The central carriage way is not an original...
Building: MYO1969 24 York Street Dunnington (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO994 2-4A Precentor's Court (Building)A row of four early 18th century, with later fenstration.
Building: MYO850 25 Shipton Road (Building)No summary available