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Building: MYO756 64 and 66 Tadcaster Road (Building)64-66 Tadcaster Road. Early 18th century farmhouse, later divided into two houses. Altered in the late 18th or early 19th century and again in the 20th century. The building is two storeyed and brick-built with a slate roof.
Building: MYO681 64 and 66 Walmgate (Building)A pair of houses with shops built circa 1850.
Building: MYO1516 64 Gillygate (Building)Number 64 Gillygate isa house dating from circa 1700, it was altered in the late 18th and late 19th centuries, and is now in use as a shop with a flat above.
Building: MYO4891 64 Heworth Green (Building)House built circa 1840, now in use as a hotel. Formerly known as The Shoulde rof Mutton and as of 2018 as the Heworth Inn.
Building: MYO1385 64 Holgate Rd (Building)No summary available
Monument: MYO4816 64 North Street (Monument)Site of number 64 North Street, a house of 1771-2, now demolished
Building: MYO1257 64-68 Low Petergate (Building)Complex group of buildings, the earliest timber framed elements date to the second half of the 15th century. These buildings were substantially altered through the 16th-19th centuries. The buidlings were convereted into a public house by 1892, with e...
Building: MYO682 65 67 69 and 69a Walmgate (Building)Numbers 65-69A Walmgate is a terrace of four houses with shops built circa 1840. The buildings were restored and the shopfronts renewed in the 20th century.
Building: MYO1517 65 67 69 Gillygate (Building)Number 65 Gillygate is listed as part of Numbers 65, 67 and 69 Gillygate. It is one of a group of three houses built in the ealy 19th century and now part of a shop. Numbers 67 and 69 Gillygate are listed as part of Numbers 65, 67 and 69 Gillygate...
Building: MYO1258 65 Low Petergate (Building)Shop. Early C19 with altered contemporary shopfront; later C19.