Record Search
Monument: MYO4806 8-12 Micklegate (Monument)A pair of early 17th century houses, altered circa 1700 and altered to a house and a shop circa 1860. Now demolished.
Building: MYO4936 82 Gillygate (Building)Late 18th century house, which was converted to a shop in the late 19th century.
Building: MYO739 82-6 The Mount (Building)House, later divided into 2 houses; now house and part of bank. Late 17th century, re-fronted early 19th century, and altered 1963. Yellow-red brick. Pantiled roof. Exterior: 2 storeys with attics and 3 bays.
Building: MYO3988 82-86 Holgate Road (Building)Identified as Buildings of Merit in the Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal.
Building: MYO1930 82-88 Chestnut Grove (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1462 83 Goodramgate (Building)A house dating from the 19th century and converted into a shop
Building: MYO4719 83 Heworth Road (Building)Number 83 Heworth Road is a house dating form the early 19th century.
Building: MYO1243 83 Low Petergate (Building)Number 83 Low Petergate, formerly 50.5 Low Petergate. House built circa 1600, altered and rebuilt in the 19th century, and converted into a shop in the 20th century.
Building: MYO1202 83 Micklegate (Building)House built c1730, with early 19th century doorcase and bow window, and 20th century extension at rear.
Building: MYO1484 84 and 86 Gillygate (Building)A pair of houses built in the early 19th century, with later 19th and 20th shop fronts and flats above.