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Monument: MYO3628 Anglian Cremation urns (Monument)Anglian cremation burials in urns of 5th century date among the earliest of their kind, were found in 1859 in a garden about 1/2 mile outside Micklegate Bar on the right side of the road to Tadcaster
Find Spot: MYO4815 Anglian cross-head (Find Spot)Part of an Anglian cross-head was found under the city walls between the old and new stations. Made of sandstone, it is 8th century in date.
Monument: MYO4289 Anglian settlement (Monument)The settlement at Dixon Lane/George Street that is strikingly similar to that seen at 46–54 Fishergate. It has also been suggested that the trading settlement at York extended along those parts of the banks of the Ouse that ran within the defended li...
Monument: MYO5227 Anglian Settlement (possible Wic site) (Monument)7th-8th century deposits were found to survive beneath the foundations of St Andrews Priory during excavations in the mid 1980s.
Find Spot: MYO4964 Anglian stonework, York Minster (Find Spot)Forty-eight fragments of Anglian stonework have been found during excavations on the site of the minster. They include 11 cross fragments of 8th-10th century date, 9 stelae of late 7th-early 8th century date, 9 gravestones of late 7th-11th century da...
Monument: MYO4607 Anglo-Saxon burial ground (Monument)A large number of Anglian burials of mid 5th century date found in Heworth in 1878. A number of urns are held in the Yorkshire Museum. Excavations in 1965 confirmed the extent of the cemetery.
Monument: MYO4057 Anglo-Scandinavian cemetery, York Castle (and 18th-19th cenury burials) (Monument)The site of an Anglican inhumation cemetery within the boundary of York Castle. In excavating for the gaol at Castle Yard in 1829, a bronze Saxon hanging-bowl with three escutcheons was found with two earthenware vessels. Anglo-Scandinavian burial...
Find Spot: MYO4959 Anglo-Scandinavian coin hoard, St Leonard's Place (Find Spot)About 10,000 stycas of bronze found at St. Leonard's Place in 1842. Thought to have been deposited c865.
Monument: MYO4372 Anglo-Scandinavian structures and deposits (Monument)Mid 10th-11th Anglo-Scandinavian organic deposits encountered at c.0.4m bgl (10.5m AOD). Two phases of activity identified - first phase comprised of two wattle lined pits and a succession of short-lived inter-cutting pits. Phase 2 was characterised ...
Monument: MYO4254 Ann Harrison's Hospital (Monument)ANN HARRISON'S HOSPITAL, in Penley's Grove Street, was built in 1845, and contained eight single-story tenements of brick and stone, with a central chapel. The chapel ceased to be used for services before 1900. The 1845 building was demolished in [d...