Record Search
Building: MYO4242 Bootham Park Hospital: Two long corridors, recreation hall, bowling alley and pauper wards (Building)County Lunatic Asylum, now an NHS mental health hospital. C19 additions to original 1773-77 asylum; two earlier-C19 long corridors which run in a north-westerly direction to two pauper wards of 1861-62 (replacing earlier pauper wards in the same loca...
Building: MYO4241 Bootham Park Hosptial: Medical Superintendent's House (Building)County Lunatic Asylum, now an NHS mental health hospital. Medical Superintendent's House 1862-3 with 1908 extension. MATERIALS: orange brick, sandstone dressings, slate roofs PLAN: the Medical Superintendent's house is of two storeys and a smal...
Landscape: MYO5258 Bootham Stray (Landscape)The Strays of York, of which Bootham Stray is one, are the residue of vastly greater areas of common land on which the Freemen of York had the right from time immemorial to depsture their cattle. The inclosure allotments made to the city in the 18...
Monument: MYO2225 Bootham Stray Pinfold (Monument)site of Pinfold marked on 1st Edition OS 1851
Monument: MYO2226 Bootham Stray Pinfold (Monument)Site of Pinfold marked on 2nd Epoch OS Plan c 1897
Monument: MYO2026 Bootham Stray Roman Camp (Camp 1) (Monument)One of two Roman temporary camps which can be partially traced as earthworks on Bootham Stray. The slight remains of two camps have been recorded about 2.5 km N of the fortress at York (Eburacum). These camps were noted in the 18th century by William...
Monument: MYO160 Bootham Stray Roman Camp (Camp 2) (Monument)One of two Roman temporary camps which can be partially traced as earthworks on Bootham Stray. The slight remains of two camps have been recorded about 2.5 km N of the fortress at York (Eburacum). These camps were noted in the 18th century by Willia...
Building: MYO4008 Botterills warehouse (Building)Originally built by W G Penty in 1880 to accommodate horses and carriages of country visitors to the City. Most of Botterill’s was demolished in the 1960s and replaced by Leedhams Garage. Nominated for inclusion on York's Local List of heritage asse...
Monument: MYO3513 boundaries and enclosures Deighton (Monument)A possible Iron Age or Roman field system was seen as cropmarks on air photographs. The system is very fragmentary and essentially comprises a linear boundary and parts of two possible enclosures just to the north. Within the confines of the most eas...
Monument: MYO3514 boundaries and enclosures Deighton (Monument)A possible Iron Age double-ditched trackway was seen as cropmarks on air photographs. It lies just to the south of a possible Iron Age field system (SE 64 SW 21) with which it may be associated, although it is on a different alignment.