Record Search
Monument: MYO4742 BRITISH POWER TRACTION & LIGHTING COMPANY LTD (Monument)The British Power, Traction & Lighting (BPTL) Company's factory was probably built in about 1900 on the site of the Engineer Cycle Works on Hull Road in York. The BPTL itself was formed in 1900, acquiring the assetts of a number of Yorkshire-based co...
Monument: MYO3604 Bronze age Barrow Skelton (Monument)Aerial photographs record the cropmarks of a probable Bronze Age round barrow ditch of 9m diameter, on Skelton Moor.
Monument: MYO3702 Bronze Age Cremation 27 Lawrence Street (Monument)Bronze Age cremation in urn recovered during archaeological watching brief on excavations for foundation trenches for new WMC at 27 Lawrence Street. Cremation was located approximately 2m below pavement level. Report unavailable (26/09/2013).
Building: MYO576 BROOK HOUSE (Building)No summary available
Monument: MYO297 Browney Dyke (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO2162 Building under Railway Offices (Monument)Building with heavy gritstone façade and various architectural fragments were found in 1901 during preparatory excavations for the former Railway Offices (MYO710) in Tanner Row. They were as follows: (a) Wall, remains of a façade parallel to and ...
Monument: MYO2289 Building with bath, Fetter Lane (Monument)A Roman building consisting of three rooms, one of which was interpreted as a plunge bath, was observed during the excavation of a sewer trench along Fetter Lane in 1852. The sewer rtench crossed the three rooms obliquely, indicating that the buildi...
Monument: MYO5245 Bulk Petrol Storage Installation (Monument)An Air Ministry Record Site Plan made in November 1945 depicts the whole of the Clifton airfield, with the bulk petrol site numbered as ‘25b’ and named as a ‘Bulk Petrol Installation (24,000 gallons)’ surrounded by an elliptical concrete roadway. ...
Monument: MYO3756 Bullnose Building, former Coal Manager's office and house (Monument)1876. Originally the office of the North Eastern Railway Company Coal Manager and later of the Locomotive Superintendent. It has high Historical Significance for its visual and functional association with the former Goods Station, now the National Ra...