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  • Probable ditch system no data available for Monarch 1168100
  • Iron Age or Roman rectilinear ditched enclosures, which are probably part of a field system, are visible as cropmarks on air photographs. One enclosure contains a roundhouse and two other incomplete curvilinear enclosures are possibly also round hous...
  • Iron Age or Roman rectilinear ditched enclosures, which are probably part of a field system, are visible as cropmarks on air photographs. One enclosure contains a roundhouse and two other incomplete curvilinear enclosures are possibly also round hous...
  • Pits of possible archaeological origin, but of uncertain date, are visible as cropmarks on air photographs. They occur in groups, randomly scattered amongst Iron Age/Roman enclosures (recorded in SE 64 NW 29), but the relationship between the feature...
  • Iron Age or Roman rectilinear ditched enclosures, which are probably part of a field ystem, are visible as cropmarks on air photographs. To the west is another group of enclosures (recorded in SE 64 NW 28), but the relationship between the two sites ...
  • Mainly rectilinear ditched enclosures, which are probably part of an Iron Age/Roman field system, are visible as cropmarks on air photographs. Some of the ditches overlap, uggesting there is more than one phase. Some are also in the same alignment as...
  • Boundary ditches visible as cropmarks on air photographs, are probably part of an Iron Age/Roman field system and a circular enclosure is interpreted as a round house.
  • An extensive Iron Age or Roman field system is visible as cropmarks on air photographs, extending north-south for 1.2km and west-east for 1.3km. It comprises parallel boundary ditches and rectilinear enclosures. Some enclosures are double-ditched and...
  • A possible Roman or Iron Age field system was seen as cropmarks on air photographs. The system is very fragmentary and has overlapping elements which may represent more than one phase. The system comprises long sinuous ditches with many shorter ditch...
  • An extensive Iron Age/Roman rectilinear field system is visible as cropmarks on air photographs. It comprises NW-SE parallel ditches, varying between 30 to 60 metres apart, with a few ditches perpendicular to them. Its form is similar to field system...