Record Search
Monument: MYO4992 Goodramgate (Monument)Goodramgate runs N. from King's Square towards the position of the N.E. gate of the Roman fortress but, at the junction with College Street and Bedern, bends N.E. to Monk Bar.
Monument: MYO4863 Gothic style lodge to Fairfax House (Monument)Lodge Heslington Road. Gothic style lodge to Fairfax House built circa 1840.
Building: MYO1977 GRANARY COTTAGE (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1607 GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO523 GRANGE FARMHOUSE (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1353 GRANGE HOUSE (Building)Workhouse offices built in 1848-9 with contemporary extension and later bay windows, designed by John and William Atkinson. Part of St Mary's Hospital, converted into student flats in 1994. The exterior has a 3-storey, 9-bay front, with 2-bay extensi...
Find Spot: MYO4702 Grave cover (Find Spot)A part of a grave cover in two joining pieces was found in excavation of St Mary's Abbey in front of the main building of the Yorkshire Museum in 1913. Made of Millstone Grit, it is late 9th-10th century in date, and now in the Yorkshire Museum.
Building: MYO1150 Gray's Court and gate piers and gates attached to south east corner (Building)House constructed during the 17th/18th century, incorporating the 12th century Treasurer's House. A restoration was carried out in circa 1900.
Monument: MYO4600 Great North of England Railway (Monument)The Great North of England Railway was a North Eastern Railways venture to connect York with Newcastle. It was realised that the fairly level Plain of York would be completed quickly, so an Act for the section North of Croft, near Darlington, was obt...