Record Search
Monument: MYO4921 Hospital Of St Giles (Monument)Hospital first documented in 1274, a master and brethren being mentioned in 1291-2.
Monument: MYO4923 Hospital Of St Mary In The Horsefair (Monument)Following the move of the Carmelite Friary (SE65SW307) from the Horsefair to Stonebow Lane in 1295, the site of the Friary was occupied by St Mary's Hospital. It was originally founded as a chantry by the Dean of York, and licensed as a chapel in 131...
Monument: MYO4613 Hospital of St Mary the Virgin (Monument)Robert de Pickeryng, Dean of York, founded a chantry on the site of the first Carmelite foundation in York at Bootham in 1315, and converted and enlarged the site to use as a hospital in 1318. It was suppressed in 1556.
Monument: MYO5011 Hospital Of The Holy Trinity (Monument)Also known as the Hospital of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Fossgate. Founded by John de Roucliff before 1373 for the sick and poor. It was reconstructed in 1411.
Monument: MYO4412 Hospitallers Camera (Monument)The Hospitallers had a "camera" (a camera is a subsidiary farm of a preceptory (a medieval monastery of the military orders of Knights Templar or Knights Hospitaller)) and held a considerable amount of land in Huntington. The GIS point taken fro...
Monument: MYO4534 House Muncastergate (Monument)House Muncastergate, an 18th century house adjoining Muncaster House.
Monument: MYO4170 House of Correction (Monument)House of Correction 1814 built on open land of Toft Green in the angle of the city walls.
Building: MYO1674 House on Greencliffe Drive (Building)A two storey house built shortly after 1836 as a gardener's cottage for the Roper family, owners of Clifton Croft, Greencliffe Drive.
Building: MYO4956 House to rear of numbers 75 and 77 Low Petergate (Building)A house built in the 16th century, with 17th century alterations. The building was converted to shops in the 19th century and to flats in 1975.