Record Search
Building: MYO933 38 and 39 St Pauls Square (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1514 38 and 40 Gillygate (Building)A pair of houses built circa 1785-90, converted to shops and flats in the 19th century.
Building: MYO1473 38 and 40 Goodramgate (Building)A timber framed house probably dating from the 15th century and extended in the late 17th century. Number 40 was refronted in 1782, with alterations to number 38 in the 19th century. The 20th century alterations included the insertion of shopfronts.
Monument: MYO4825 38 Blossom Street (Monument)House and shop of 19th century. Now demolished
Building: MYO4725 38 Heworth Road (Building)Number 38 Heworth Road is a house dating from the early 19th century.
Building: MYO1146 38 High Petergate (Building)Two shops and flat. C15 structure, raised in C16; remodelled in late C18, altered in early C19: further alteration later.
Building: MYO1121 38 Monkgate (Middleton House) (Building)House built circa 1700, with alterations in the third quarter of the 18th century. In 1798 the house became a rectory and betwen 1803 and 1811 it was also used as a dissenting academy by the Reverend Charles Wellbeloved.
Building: MYO1006 38 Parliament Street (Building)Numbers 31-9 Parliamment Street, a group of nine shops and house built between 1835 and 1840. The buildings are listed as 31 and 32; 33; 34; 35 and 36; 37; 38; and 39 Parliament Street.
Building: MYO817 38 Stonegate (Building)House built in the early 18th century incorporating earlier timber framed structures. The building was altered in the early 19th century and later and is now in use as a shop.
Building: MYO1834 39 Blossom Street (Building)Public house, now offices. 1828.