Monument record MYO2013 - Clementhorpe Roman Villa


Part of a large Roman town-house, with associated 4th century pottery was excavated before development work; further excavation revealed an earlier, possibly 2nd century building.


Grid reference Centred SE 60304 51072 (60m by 59m)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (6)

Full Description

NMR Information
SE 60315108 Part of a large Roman town-house was excavated before development. It was situated outside the colonia at Clementhorpe on a natural terrace overlooking the river. A large room with polygonal apse, once floored with mosaic, was flanked by two smaller rooms, one of which
contained a mosaic previously recorded in 1851; it had been badly disturbed by Medieval graves. Fourth century pottery was recovered from the construction levels of the building. (1)

Further excavation revealed traces of an earlier building, suggesting occupation from at least the second century. (2)


1 Britannia : a journal of Romano-British and kindred studies inc. consolidated index for volumes 1-25 (1970-1994) Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 382-3 8, 1977 illus (S S Frere)
2 Britannia : a journal of Romano-British and kindred studies inc. consolidated index for volumes 1-25 (1970-1994) Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies 427 9, 1978

NMR, 2019, NMR data (Digital archive). SYO2214.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Digital archive: NMR. 2019. NMR data.
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Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

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Record last edited

Feb 23 2020 5:20PM


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