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Building: MYO5093 42-50 Walmgate (Building)Numbers 42-50 Walmgate is a terrace of four houses built circa 1830. By 1988 they had been converted into shops (Partly demolished)
Building: MYO4724 42-52 Heworth Road (Building)Numbers 42-52 Heworth Road is a terrace of 6 houses dating rom the early 19th century.
Building: MYO3990 42-60 Holgate Road (Building)Identified as Buildings of Merit in the Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal.
Building: MYO863 43 Shambles (Building)A late 18th century house, remodelled in the 20th century, now in use as a shop and offices.
Building: MYO779 43 Stonegate (Building)Formerly known as 27 Stonegate and The White Hart Inn. Timber framed house dating from the 15th century, remodelled in the late 17th century and re-roofed and refronted in the late 18th century. The building was in use as an inn in the early-mid 18th...
Building: MYO768 43 Tanner Row (Building)Formerly listed as 41, 43 and 45 Tanner Row
Building: MYO4796 43-47 Trinity Lane (Building)A row of three teracced houses built in c.1846 and now demolished.
Building: MYO4929 43-5 Lord Mayor's Walk (Building)A pair of houses dating from 1795-1808.
Monument: MYO5010 44 Fossgate (Monument)House built in the late 15th century, with alterations in the early and late 17th centuries. The building was converted to a public house (Queens Head) in the 19th century. (Now demolished)
Building: MYO1477 44 Goodramgate (Building)An early 19th century house, now in use as a shop.