Monument record MYO3633 - St Andrew's Priory


A Gilbertine Priory founded circa 1200 by Hugh Murdac, Archdeacon of Cleveland, and dissolved in 1538. Only part of the precinct wall remains. Excavations have most of the plan, excepting the claustral West range which has been totally destroyed. The cloister was arranged to the North of the church. There was a timber church on the site in the 12th century prior to the construction of the priory, which probably began in 1195. The earliest stone church was an aisleless structure with a central crossing, had short transepts with eastern chapels, and a presbytery. The dormitory and chapter house were in the East range of the cloister, and the refectory in the North range. Altered in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, when the church was demolished and rebuilt as a smaller, aisleless, buttressed building with reduced transepts and presbytery. The East range was rebuilt, the chapter house taken out of use. Part of the southern boundary wall was visible in 1958 in Blue Bridge Lane. The site is now covered by modern development and there no visible remains. Renovated sections of the tower courses of the precinct wall were incorporated into the modern wall along Blue Bridge Lane at SE60655100 and SE65695100.


Grid reference Centred SE 6065 5108 (160m by 185m) (2 map features)
Map sheet SE65SW


Type and Period (9)

Full Description


[SE 6064 5112] Site of St. Andrew's Priory [G.T.] Gilbertine founded c. AD 1200.
[SE 6069 5100] Priory Wall [GT] (Remains of) [T.I.]

St. Andrew's Priory of Gilbertine Canons was founded c. 1200. Part of the southern boundary wall was visible in 1958 in Blue Bridge Lane.

The site is now covered by modern development, and there are no visible remains of the Priory. Renovated sections of the tower courses of the precinct wall are incorporated with modern walling at SE 60655100 and SE60695100.

1 Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 1:1250 1962.
2 Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 1:500 1891
3 Medieval religious houses : England and Wales 175 by David Knowles and R Neville Hadcock
4 A history of Yorkshire: the city of York 360 edited by P M Tillott
5 Field Investigators Comments F1 RWE 05-JUN-63
6 Medieval religious houses in England and Wales 199 by David Knowles and R Neville Hadcock
7 The church and Gilbertine priory of St Andrew, Fishergate by Richard L Kemp ; with C Pamela Graves

On-Site Archaeology, 2017, Novotel Fewster Way EVA (Unpublished document). SYO2107.

On-Site Archaeology, 2018, Novotel Fewster Way WB (Unpublished document). SYO2108.

York Archaeological Trust, 2021, Mecca Bingo (Unpublished document). SYO2917.

York Archaeological Trust, 2021, Mecca Bingo, Fishergate (Unpublished document). SYO2672.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • --- Unpublished document: On-Site Archaeology. 2017. Novotel Fewster Way EVA.
  • --- Unpublished document: On-Site Archaeology. 2018. Novotel Fewster Way WB.
  • --- Unpublished document: York Archaeological Trust. 2021. Mecca Bingo, Fishergate.
  • --- Unpublished document: York Archaeological Trust. 2021. Mecca Bingo.

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (8)

Record last edited

Feb 28 2025 11:18AM


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