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Building: MYO1155 6 Minster Yard (Building)Former Clergy House, now a school. The house was built in the second quarter of the 18th century, the building was raised and re-roofed 1786 in, with a small late 19th century extension. Also called The Old Residence.
Building: MYO1103 6 Mount terrace (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1082 6 Mount Terrace, Mount Terrace House (Building)House built c1827; later 19th century alterations. White brick. Slate roof behind parapet. Double-depth plan. Exterior: facade symmetrical, of 2 storeys above a cellar and 3 bays, with a cornice and blocking course. The central bay projects slightly ...
Building: MYO1048 6 Newgate (Building)The present building is mainly modern, dating from a major rebuilding in 1963. it consists of a stone built ground floor incorporating medieval masonry, and two upper floors of modern brickwork. The building is on a corner site, with a passagway thro...
Building: MYO1011 6 Patrick Pool (Building)A warehouse, now shop, built circa 1600 and restored circa 1960.
Building: MYO996 6 Pavement (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO5073 6 Silver Street (Building)6 Silver Street was built in 1841 as a house and police station. The building has since been divided up. Replaced by the police staiton built in Clifford Stret.
Building: MYO834 6 Spurriergate (Building)House with shop. c1841, with later alteration, including C20 shopfront. By JB and W Atkinson.
Building: MYO915 6 St Sampson's Square (Building)A mid 18th centrury house, now part of Browns department store. The building has later alterations and a 20th century shopfront.
Building: MYO818 6 Stonegate (Building)Formerly known as 56 Stonegate. A jettied house and shop built in the early 17th century. The building was extended in the early 18th century, refronted and refenstrated in the early 19th century and reroofed in the late 19th century.